Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Close a Door, Open a Window

So I have now left the community college where I have been for the last 11 years. I had vowed not to teach again unless someone called me up and threw the job in my lap--which they did. So I will begin teaching English at a small Christian college next month. This proves:

1. God will take you at your word. I had prayed that his will would be done in my job situation, and if that meant leaving the community college, then that would be fine. I did my best job there, and I don't have any regrets.

2. There is always another challenge right around the corner. This time I will be teaching adult students who should be much more motivated to learn. Smaller classes, too, but I will have to shift my focus from teaching reading to teaching writing.

3. All wounds heal with time. I am not happy that I won't be teaching 18-year-olds anymore, but I'll get over it.

4. If you say you're not in it for the money, it helps to believe it. I will now be making approximately half what the community college paid, so it's time to look at teaching as one of the gifts God gave me to use as he wills. God has always been faithful in the finance area, and I don't expect him to stop blessing us now.

5. No matter what happens with jobs, Christian friends still support you, your husband still loves you, and the pug thinks you hung the moon. 'Nuff said.

1 comment:

Don said...

I didn't realize that I was part of God's answer to your prayers. WOW!